san francisco, financial district

attempts at street photography today in the fi-di with meg.

this guy's boots are raw. he was really tall though, so his spread legs made for an awkward picture! he had amazingly blue eyes, which, unfortunately are not very visible in the picture.

her outfit could have come out looking really hookery, but it didn't :)

want to get me some tom-toms! i think he's just wearing white vans though.


December 23, 2009 at 4:13 PM God's Marionettes? said...

the bearded man was cute...was he the one with the accent? >.<

I think his fingers look nice actually...and his mini pot belly thing

His eyes seem to be saying..."Eat me Adrienne, eat me with your smoldering exotic eyes...with the nipple tassels that Megumi gave dance for me"